Hyperbaric Oxigen-Induced Secretory Otitis Media.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Hyperbaric oxigen (HBO) is employed to treat cerebral infarction, spinal disorders, obstruction of the central retinal artery and some other diseases.The authors investigated secretory otitis media as a complication of HBO.From November 1, 1987, to March 31, 1990, 96 patients had ten or more HBO treatments at Kariya General Hospital.Before the first HBO procedure, all patients were examined and tympanometry, and their level of consciousness was recorded. There were 180 ears without secretory otitis media or chronic otitis media.HBO-induced secretory otitis media developed in 56 of the 180 ears (31.1%). In patients with the A type of tympanogram (121 ears) HBO-induced secretory otitis media occurre in 24.8% and in those with the B or C type (37 ears), the incidence was 46.0%.The difference is significant (P<0.05). We also correlated of the incidence of HBO-induced secretory otitis media with the level of consiousness. In patients with normal consciousness (121 ears), the incidence was 24.8% and in those with disturbed consciousness (59 ears), it was 44.1%, significant difference (P<0.01).Our investigation indicates that the type of tympanogram and the level of consciousness are important predictors of HBO-induced secretory otitis media.
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