Morphological and histochemical observation of human levator muscles.
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The morphological and histochemical characteristics of the levator muscles were investigated in patients with velopharyngeal insufficiency. Muscle samples were obtained from 2 patients with cleft palate (CP), 2 with submucosal cleft palate (SMCP) and 2 with congenital velopharyngeal incompetence (CVPI). The muscles removed from the cleftside of CP, SMCP and CVPI revealed disturbed growth. Abnormal patterns of muscle fibers were noted in SMCP and CVPI. The proportions of muscle fiber types (red, white and intermediate) were similar in the non-cleftside of CP and CVPI, while on the cleftside of CP and SMCP there were reduced numbers of red fibers. The diameter of the red fibers in CVPI was significantly smaller than that in the other 3 types of disease. These findings may be closely related to the development of velopharyngeal insufficiency.
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