- Specific Hyposensitization and Neurotropin Therapy for Perennial Allergic Rhinitis.
- メニエ-ル病患者における対光反応検査とメリコ-ル点眼試験 (前庭機能異常の研究-2-)
- An Animal Model of Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease: A Histopathological Study of the Inner Ear in Type:II Collagen-induced Autoimmune Rats
- Diagnostic Potential of the Simple Cold Caloric Test
- Influence of chronic infected foci on sarcoidosis and 6 cases of sarcoid granuloma in the Waldeyer's ring
- グリセロ-ルの蝸牛電気現象に及ぼす影響 (前庭機能異常の研究-3-)
- Effects of Glycerol and Mannitol on Oxygen Tension in Cochlear Perilymph
- タイトル無し
- Treatment of Meniere disease. Therapy by oriental medicine.
- An Algorithm for Detecting the Quick Phases of Nystagmus
- Pupillary Abnormalities in the Interval Stage of Meniere's Disease—A Preliminary Report—
- Measurement of Endolymphatic and Perilymphatic Pressure in the Guinea Pig Cochlea
- Effect of hypertonic solutions on oxygen tension in the cochlear perilymph:1)Glyccrol
- 浸透圧利尿剤のモルモット蝸牛内直流電位および内,外リンパ圧への影響