A Case of Maxillary Neurofibroma
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A case of maxillary neurofibroma is reported that arose from the right maxillary sinus of a 10-year-old girl. The right cheek was swollen by tumor formation. Preoperatively performed CT-scan revealed lack of the maxillary anterior wall, from which malignancy was suspected. Samples obtained by tentative opening of the maxillary sinus were subjected to rapid histopathological diagnosis during operation. Because this case was diagnosed as benign, partial resection was determined. The rapid diagnosis during operation was very useful for the determination. The remnant tumor was attempted to be excluded by re-operation. The patient has been well without signs of recurrence for these 3 months. Further, 14 cases of maxillary tumor originating from Schwann cells are reviewed.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
山本 哲夫
北村 幸郷
横山 道明
稲賀 潔
山本 哲夫
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