身体平衡と嗅覚系:快適なにおい刺激と不快なにおい刺激による平衡機能の変動を指標とする観察 (京都大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室6年間の歩み(1977-1982年)--檜学教授還暦によせて)
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For the detection of the correlation between the olfactory system and body equilibrium, the “equilibrium test for olfactory vertigo” proposed by Hinoki et al. was carried out. In the present examination, two kinds of odorous substances, Alinamin and a musk-like substance were used. Pieces of filter paper dipped into a solution of Alinamin or the musk-like substance were placed 1cm in front of the subject's nose for 150 seconds. Fifteen minutes later, resulting changes in the equilibrium function were examined by the righting reflex test and Fukuda's stepping test. The equilibrium test for olfactory vertigo using Alinamin and the musk-like substance was carried out on 44 and 45 vertiginous patients, respectively. Furthermore, in the traumatized patients, changes in the equilibrium function due to olfactory stimulations, with reference to the results of the “equilibrium test with adrenaline loading (Hinoki)” were investigated.The results obtained were as follows:1) On stimulation with the musk-like substance, improvement of the equilibrium function tended to be more frequent than aggravation. Conversely, on stimulation with Alinamin, the opposite tendency was observed.2) Patients giving positive results in the “equilibrium test with adrenaline loading” tended to show improvement in disequilibrium when they inhaled vapor of the musk-like substance. In contrast, patients giving negative results in the “equilibrium test with adrenaline loading” did not show appreciable change when they inhaled vapor of the musk-like substance.3) Patients giving positive results in the “equilibrium test with adrenaline loading” tended to show aggravation of disequilibrium when they inhaled vapor of Alinamin. In contrast, many of the patients showing negative results in the “equilibrium test with adrenaline loading” showed no significant alteration of the equilibrium function when they inhaled the vapor of Alinamin.With reference to the above results, the following conclusions were drawn.1) Changes in the equilibrium function due to olfactory stimulation tend to be induced in the existence of hyperexcitability of the adrenergic components in the central nervous system.2) Moreover, the nature of the changes in the equilibrium function depends on the nature of the olfactory stimulation, i. e. a pleasant odor or an unpleasant odor. Inhalation of an unpleasant odor, which may enhance the activity of adrenergic components in the central nervous system, increases vertigo, whereas a pleasant odor, which may suppress the activity of adrenergic components, decreases or eliminates vertigo.3) This study suggests that repeated inhalation of a pleasant odor may be helpful in relieving vertigo.
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