視運動性眼振におけるfoveal visionに対するperipheral visionの支援とその左右差について (京都大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室6年間の歩み(1977-1982年)--檜学教授還暦によせて)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ten normal subjects were selected at random and examined for whole visual field OKN and foveal OKN (one stripe) in stripe distances of 10°, 20°, 30°, 60° and 90° with frequencies of 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1, 2 and 3Hz. Both R-OKN and L-OKN were carried out to investigate their symmetry and recorded on a D-C ENG polygraph.The slow phase velocities of whole visual field OKN and foveal OKN were calculated manually on an ENG recorder in regard to both R-OKN and L-OKN, by picking up 10 continuous waves at random.The results obtained were as follows.1) The slow phase in foveal OKN had the same characteristics as those seen in ETT. Both seemed to have a common neural pathway.2) The slow phase in whole visual field OKN was different from that in foveal OKN and showed a more reflexive and more sophisticated character, following a more rapidly moving stripe with the assistance of peripheral vision than that in the latter.3) L-OKN and R-OKN were symmetrical both in whole visual field OKN and foveal OKN and no differences were found between the two in the ability to follow the stripes and alternating waves as the velocities increases.4) In order to follow a rapidly moving target, human eyes need peripheral vision besides foveal vision. Therefore, both peripheral vision and foveal vision are necessary to develop the smooth appearance of OKN.
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- 視運動性眼振におけるfoveal visionに対するperipheral visionの支援とその左右差について (京都大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室6年間の歩み(1977-1982年)--檜学教授還暦によせて)
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