- 論文の詳細を見る
A 32-year-old male patient had bilateral facial palsy associated with chronic renal failure and repeated hemodialysis over ten years. He complained of left facial palsy of sudden onset on December 12, 1979. The palsy was diagnosed as Bell's palsy of slight degree. A week later, he noted right facial palsy. Electrodiagnostic examination indicated that the facial nerve had undergone progressive degeneration. However, surgical decompression of the facial nerve was not permitted because of severe anemia and bleeding tendency. The palsies were gradually alleviated and about 75% recovery was attained one year after the onset. About four months later, left palsy increased again. Three months thereafter, an intrameatal mass was found in the left ear and probe examination revealed an epidermoid carcinoma. It was concluded that chronic renal failure, hemodialysis and the intrameatal carcinoma were significantly related to the etiology and affected the clinical course of the facial palsies.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
- 0歳児急性中耳炎の臨床的研究
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- HSV-1再活性化による顔面神経麻痺モデルの作製
- HSV-1初感染による顔面神経麻痺モデルの麻痺発症機序に関する研究
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- Abnormal amplitude increment in evoked electromyograms of facial muscles in the acute phase of facial palsy.
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- Bell麻痺のMRI
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- Bell麻痺におけるアブミ骨筋反射測定の意義
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- 鼓室・前頭洞シャント,慢性耳管狭窄症の1治療法
- 自己免疫性感音性難聴の1例
- Experimental assessment of combined treatment with steroid and methylcobalamin.
- 側頭骨内顔面神経麻痺の診断の要点
- Multiple Branchial Anomalies Consisting of Bilateral Cervical Fistulas and Ossicular Chain Inter-ruption
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- 両側 Gradenigo 症候群例
- Hyperacusis in Bell's palsy.
- Meningoencephalocele in Frontal Sinus with Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea.
- Two cases of steroid dependent sensorineural hearing loss.
- Chondrosarcoma Arising from the Ethmoid Sinus and Extending to the Anterior Skull Base.
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- Acoustic neuroma presenting as sudden hearing loss.
- 咬筋内血管腫の1例
- Hemangioma of Parotid Gland in Childhood.