Treatment of cochlear tinnitus by transtympanic injections of local anesthetic and /or steroid.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Transtympanic injections of 1ml of 4% lidocaine (40mg) and/or 0.4% dexamethasone (4mg) into the middle ear cavity were performed in 96 patients (109ears) with cochlear tinnitus.1) Tinnitus was completely abolished or markedly decreased in 20 ears (18%), moderately decreased in 26 ears (24%), and slightly decreased or not changed in 63 ears (58%).2) Cochlear tinnitus caused by trauma showed the best results.3) Side effects due to transient loss of peripheral vestibular function after labyrinthine anesthesia occurred in almost all cases, but recovery was complete after a short time.In conclusion, transtympanic injections of these drugs were effective in about 40% of patients with cochlea.r tinnitus, and there were no significant complications.
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