臨床 突発性難聴に対するステロイドとPGE1の効果
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To investigate the effect of steroids and PGE1 in the treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss, we examined 145 patients who were treated between 1993 and 2000. Forty-one patients were treated with high doses of steroids (group A), fifty-six patients were treated with high doses of steroids and PGE1 (group B), and forty-eight patients were treated with conventional doses of steroids and PGE1 (group C). Using follow-up audiograms obtained one month after the initial treatment, recovery rates were compared among these three groups. The overall recovery rate of group B (72%) was higher than those of groups A (44%, p<0.05) and C (61%). The recovery rate of group B was especially greater in the 50 and older age group, in patients who started the treatment within 7 days from the onset of hearing loss, and in patients without vertigo. The recovery rate of group C was significantly higher in patients less than 50 years old when the treatment was started within 7 days from the onset of hearing loss. These results suggest that both high doses of steroids and PGE1 may play important roles in therapy for sudden sensorineural hearing loss in patients aged 50 and older. High doses of steroids may not have beneficial effects on sudden sensorineural hearing loss in younger patients.
青柳 優
阿部 靖弘
山形大学情報構造統御学講座 耳鼻咽喉・頭頸部外科学分野
横田 雅司
阿部 靖弘
伊藤 吏
渡辺 知緒
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