Changes in Hardness and Pectic Substances of Mume Fruit during Maturation and Storage.
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Elucidalion the changes in pectic substances and Ca, Mg content in relation to its hardness during maturation. Mume fruit (Japanese Apricot, <I>Prunus Mume</I> Sieb. et Zucc. var. microcarpa Makino) was investigated Research was carried out for about one month from May 21st to June 26th 1984 at four storage temperatures, 3°C, 15°C, 30°C and 35°C.<BR>The following results were obtained.<BR>1) The hardness of the fruit was seen to decrease with the fruit growth. Observations were conducted on the increase of WSP (water-soluble pectin), the decrease of HSP (hydrochloric acid-soluble pectin) and HSP/WSP ratio.<BR>2) The total content of Ca in the pectin decreased with the fruit growth, just as the changes in the hardness and pectin content.<BR>3) The Ca content (mg/g in PSP [hexametaphosphate-soluble pectin]) during fruit growth was also parallel to the changes in fruit hardness.<BR>4) The fruit became softer during the storage period as the WSP increase and the HSP decrease and with the ratio of HSP/WSP. On the other hand, there was negligible change in Ca content (mg/g in each pectin fraction) during that time.<BR>5) The Ca and Mg content (mg/g in PSP and WSP) were seen to decrease with storage. Pectin was observed to be soluble in water and hardness to increase.
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