How is the Underwater Robots and what should be Solved for It Now. Motion Planning for Underwater Manipulator.
- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, a motion planning method for underwater manipulator is considered. Generally, there are some obstacles such as rock, submarine ridges and so on in the work area of underwater manipulators. The manipulators have to work carefully with avoiding these obstacles. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to propose a method that generates the secure moving path of the tip of the manipulator and the manipulator's posture that avoid obstacles in the work area. The work area considered this paper is divided into some cubes. The position of the obstacles is defined as the position of the cube. The path of the tip of the manipulator is also derived as the set of positions of the cubes. In order to generate the path, we use the Genetic Algorithm (GA) that gives quasi-optimal path. On the other hand, the posture of the manipulator is derived by inverse kinematics after generating the path of the tip of the manipulator. Since the manipulator considered this paper is for underwater robots, the effect of the drag force is also considered when the posture of the manipulator is decided. Our proposed motion planning method that combines the path and the posture plan-ning is repeated every sampling time. The effectiveness of our method is shown by several experiments using a 7 degree-of-freedom manipulator.
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- How is the Underwater Robots and what should be Solved for It Now. Motion Planning for Underwater Manipulator.