Postharvest ripening of pineapple fruits in terms of changes in some chemical constituents
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Postharvest ripening of pineapple fruit, which is classified as a non-climacteric fruit, was studied from the viewpoint of changes in contents of sugars, organic acids and free amino acids during storage in fruits harvested at different stages of maturity. In immature and mature green fruits, total sugar content (sucrose+fructose+glucose) was not increased, although glucose and fructose contents decreased and sucrose content slightly increased in immature fruit. Total organic acid content (citrate +malate) during on-tree ripening rapidly increased from immature to mature green stage and decreased in ripe fruit to a certain extent, which reflected the change in citrate content. The same pattern of change in organic acid content was observed in immature and mature green fruits during storage. Asparagine, the main free amino acid in pineapple, was accumulated during development, and increased in immature and mature green fruits during storage, similar with the pattern of on-tree change in accordance with the change in organic acid. These results demonstrate that some chemical constituents, organic acids and free amino acids, change even after harvest similarly with the pattern of changes during on-tree ripening, and reconfirmed the characteristics that pineapple fruit partially perform postharvest ripening.
- 日本食品保蔵科学会の論文
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- Postharvest ripening of pineapple fruits in terms of changes in some chemical constituents