都市のコンパクト化と住宅需要マネジメント--住宅不動産市場の動向をふまえて (特集 都市のコンパクト化を考える)
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Urban consolidation becomes important keyword for the filed of urban planning from the sustainable point of view.Contrary, many researches and policies have used this word only superficially until now. This study focuses in the notion of urban consolidation from following four points. 1) Potential of residential demands for urban consolidation. 2) The effect by urban consolidation to reduce gasoline consumption. 3) Environmental quality of the inside and the outside of the consolidated urban area.4) Providing the guideline for urban consolidation in the scale of residential projects.<BR>Findings from each section are following.. 1) Residential demands will not become large enough to cover the consolidated urban areas in all cities. 2) Urban consolidation is not only one method to reduce gasoline consumption. 3) It is not easy to introduce urban consolidation from reasons concerning local environmental quality. 4) The new guideline could be developed that shows possible paths to improve each residential project.<BR>In conclusion, it is suggested that new method for Residential Demand Management (RDM) should be introduced to realize effective urban consolidation.
- 社団法人 日本不動産学会の論文
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- 都市のコンパクト化と住宅需要マネジメント--住宅不動産市場の動向をふまえて (特集 都市のコンパクト化を考える)