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In this study, an attitude survey on supply and demand for fixed rental term housing (FRTH) is implemented. Then the logit models for the supplier's/demander's choice behaviours for fixed rental term housing are estimated. The results are summarized as follows:<BR>1) The diffusion of the FRTH to demanders is not enough, then younger generation prefers the FRTH to usual rental housing, and for the generation, the shorter rental term housing tend to be preferred, which should be considered in the advertisement and for the diffusion of FRTH in future.<BR>2) Owners of the older rental housing hope to change to the FRTH in order to rebuild at an adequate period. However, it would be disturbed, because the aged persons tends to live in the order rental housing and they would not prefer to change to the FRTH.<BR>3) Demanders prefer the fixed term of FRTH is between 4 and 6 years, on the other hand, supplies prefer that the term is between 2 and 4 years, whose deference should be adjusted through the FRTH market to be developed well in near future.<BR>4) Finally, the logit models of demanders and suppliers were estimated, which are useful for predicting the amounts of demand/supply for the FRTH.
- 社団法人 日本不動産学会の論文
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