Current Key Elements of a Waste Management Plans in China
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This study presents the key elements of recent waste management policy and strategy by the Chinese government, currently advocating : (1) Planning and assignment of waste management in consideration of the surrounding social environment, (2) Release of necessary information to the public, (3) Energy consumption using natural gas or petroleum replaced by coal gas energy, (4) Encouragement of the three "D's" (de-toxification, de-duction, and de-use or deuter-use) for solid waste, (5) Promotion of a basic law concerning circular economics or a recycle-oriented economy and the promotion of Green Mark Procurement, and (6) Business- or market-driven waste treatment by corporations, industries, and companies. The government is facing the realities of waste disposal implementation by focusing on the Private Finance Initiative (PFI), which has recently been introduced in China.
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- Current Key Elements of a Waste Management Plans in China