新しい情動行動学習システムを用いた動物型エージェントによる感性評価実験 (日本感性工学会研究論文集)
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As robotics begin to have a more intimate relationship with people' s lives, in contrast to the accurate and quick task management that has been demanded of manufacturing robots, the skills of adaptation to human behavior and to the surrounding environment have become key technologies. Based on the background described above, this study focuses on the formation and expression of emotion and proposes a method of acquiring in an autonomous fashion the behavior of appropriately expressing emotions that are formed via learning in unknown environments. This paper will execute the design of a system which considers the relationship between emotion, neuromodulators, and learning system meta parameters in order to make the proposed method a reality. Furthermore, we also report the results of an experiment by plural agent's computer simulation and <I>Kansei</I> evaluation to confirm the efficiency of proposed method.
- 日本感性工学会の論文
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