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In this research, we offer suggestions for improvements in the performance and feeling of wearing of a mask for hay fever. Masks for hay fever on the market can adsorb a lot of pollen in experiments. However, the effect at the time of actual wearing is not clear. As a possible, the point of inhaling pollen through the gap between a mask and a face is considered. Moreover, it is predicted that the problems with comfortable to the face, stuffiness, and mumbling contribute to the effect. In order to propose remedies to these, a system which measures the strain behavior of a face and a gauze sheet in real time at the time of mask wearing was created as an experiment. The angle change and position change at the time of vowel pronunciation “A”, “E”, “I”, “O”, and “U”, were measured using the trial production system composed of two shape sensors and a digital camera. And, the fit feeling at the time of actual wearing was examined.
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