Development and Clinical Usefulness of an Ultrasonic Aspirator for a Stereotactic Neuro-endoscopic Surgical System.
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We have developed an originally designed ultrasonic surgical aspirator unit for a newly developed stereotactic neuro-endoscopic surgical system. It has a maximum power output of 35 W, maximum amplitude of 90 μm, a resonance frequency of 23 kHz, capability for fine adjustment using 12 levels, and oscillating probes prepared in three sizes, 2.0×1.2×310 mm (external diameter × internal diameter × effective length), 2.0×1.3×310 mm, and 1.8×1.1×295 mm.<BR>This unit fragments and aspirates hard blood clots, viscous fluid and tumors, thus facilitating efficient CT-guided stereotactic neuro-endoscopic brain surgery. We have applied this unit to 40 cases of intracerebral hematoma, 26 cases of brain tumor, and 5 other cases. This unit appears to be less invasive and safer, as it can be applied to removal of not only intracerebral hematomas but also deep-seated brain tumors, and also neuronal transplantation.
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