Role of IL-10 in granuloma formation of R. aurantiacus-infected mice
- Cytokines Involved in Graft-versus-Host Disease (Nagano Symposium 9)
- 72 抗 Mac-1 (CD11b) 抗体が肝温阻血潅流障害に及ぼす影響(第43回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 実験的イヌパルボウイルス感染ビーグル犬へのリコンビナントネコインターフェロン-ω投与の臨床的効果
- Roots of Interferon Research (Nagano Symposium 1)
- IL-6ノックアウトマウスにおける肉芽腫形成
- 慢性B型肝炎に対するヒト白血球インターフェロンの効果
- 礼文島エキノコックス症自然史再考
- エキノコックス症対策の総括と展望
- Enhancement and suppression of granuloma formation by GaGM in mice treated with anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies in vivo
- Localization of Endogenous Cytokines Detected in Sarcoid Lymph Nodes
- Interferon-System in Patients with Sarcoidosis II:Antigenic Specificity of IFN-Y Detected in Sera Obtained from the Patients
- Role of IL-10 in granuloma formation of R. aurantiacus-infected mice
- Interferon-system of patients with sarcoidosis
- The detection of antibodies against HSP in the sera of patients with sarcoidosis
- Role of endogenous IFN-γ and IL-4 in granuloma formation
- The role of endogenous TNF in granuloma formation induced by Gordona aurantiaca
- 水疱性類天疱瘡の水疱形成機序におけるγ-interferonの役割(第1報)