On the Human Standing Postural Sway, III
- 論文の詳細を見る
Impules and frequency responses of the antero-posterior and lateral sways in human standing posture were obtained by applying two dimensional autoregressive processes to the both sways.The impulse response of antero-posterior direction due to an impulse-like lateral sway and that of lateral direction due to an impulse-like antero-posterior sway depicted an oscillatory time-pattern with a decay in its amplitude. The former, however, was far more prominent than the latter in its amplitude and duration. A dominant peak around 7-10Hz was observed in the frequency response (frequency pattern of the impulse response) of the former, whereas the peak was very minute in the latter.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
鈴木 良平
千綿 国彦
小野 憲爾
佐藤 謙助
深田 高一
森貞 近見
森貞 近見
千葉 剛次
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- 私の歩行研究
- 水野祥太郎 著, 「ヒトの足-この謎にみちたもの」, A5判, 頁300,\3,000,創元社刊, 1984年
- 124.痙直型脳性麻痺児の下肢屈曲拘縮に対する治療効果(脳性麻痺)(第17回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会)
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- IIC-27 ラット前運動領キンドリングにおけるTranscallosal Response(TCR)の検討 : 焦点部および鏡焦点部刺激TCRの比較
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- タイトル無し
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- On the Diagnosis and Treatment of Congenital Dislocation of the Hip Joint in the Newborn
- Anterior Sacral Meningocele A Case Report
- Stress roentogenogram for the lateral ligament injury of the ankle. An experimental and clinical study.:An Experimental and Clinical Study
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- Fracture of the processus posterior tali - A report of two cases.
- Relation between ankle instability and general joint laxity.
- A Follow-up Study of the lateral Deviation of the Femoral Head after the initial Treatment of Congenital Dislocation of the Hip
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- Reconstruction of the Pelvic Ring in Hemipelvectomy
- Two Cases of Stress Fracture of the Fibula
- An Electromyographic Study of the Shoulder Joint with a Computer
- Scalenus Syndrome (the first report)
- On the Human Standing Postural Sway, III
- タイトル無し
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- Two cases of instability of the tibiofibular joint.
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- Function of shoulder joint after the transfer of pectoralis major to scapula.
- A case report of bilateral calcaneal stress fractures.