Wear and Revision Operation of H. D. P. Artificial Femoral Head
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High-Density Polythylen (H. D. P.) artificial femoral head had been applied to 35 cases of the fracture of femur neck, but many of them had brought down unsuccess within 2 years after replacement operation. By revision operation of 6 cases of them, it was confirmed that unsuccess was caused of the wear of H. D. P. head. Histology showed that fine particles of the weared H. D. P. induce the foreign body inflammation granuloma in the capsule and in the neighbor bone tissue. Bone destruction comes first to proximal region of the femur and finally to the acetabulum.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
林 泰夫
赤崎 幸二
広田 耕三
木屋 博昭
堀川 広通
熊本市民病院 整形外科
林 泰夫
広田 耕三
熊本市民病院 整形外科
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