Congenital Dislocation of the Knee
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9 cases of cogenital knee dislocation, which contained 4 cases of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), were reported.Usually, the congenital knee dislocation could be reduced by only conservative treatment.By manipulation and splintage from birth, the dislocated knee gradually acquired corrective alignment and gained almost full range of motion in 3 or 4 weeks after treatment and developed into a normal knee joint.Pavlik herness is effective not only to maintain the flexed position of the knee, but also to reduce the dislocated hip. On the other hand, congenital knee dislocation with AMC couldn't be reduced by only coservative treatment, so open reduction should be considered below 2 years old. Lateral instability of the knee joint was remarkably improved by open reduction of the knee, posterior transplantation of tibial attachment of medial colateral ligament and postero-inferior transplantation of pes anserinus.From the operative findings, the troublesome facters in reduction of congenital knee dislocation are as follws1. shortning the quadriceps tendon.2. thightness of anterior capsule.3. hypoplasia or aplasia of suprapatellar bursa.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
松尾 隆
貝原 信紘
大石 年秀
藤井 敏男
原 寛道
松隈 雄弘
松元 信輔
八尋 龍二
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