The acute effect of postural change on subcutaneous tissue blood flow in the hand after sympathetic denervation.
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In an earlier work in normal subjects, We demonstrated that the subcutaneous tissue blood flow in the hand region was found to be significantly reduced by the postural change from the supine to the upright position. In order to investigate the possible role of central mechanisms in the observed changes in blood flow rate during the postural change, the acute effects of the postural change from the supine to the upright position on the subcutaneous tissue blood flow in the hand region were studied in seven subjects with shoulder-arm-neck syndrome after an acute sympathetic denervation using the hydrogen washout technique.Acute sympathetic denervation was achieved by stellate ganglion block induced by lidocaine, 1 per cent, without adrenaline. Horner's syndrome was taken as evidence of effective sympathetic denervation.During the postural change from the sppine to the upright position after sympathetic denervation, the blood flow rate decreased to the mean value of 62.5 per cent of the initial value in the denervated hand and to the mean value of 63.6 per cent of the initial value in the non-denervated hand. The difference was not significant.These findings suggest that the vascular adjustments to postural changes may not be altered by the sympathetic denervation. This interpretation is consistent with Henriksen's evidence which suggests that vascular reactions to postural changes in vascular transmural pressure are not mediated via sympathetic ganglia.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
内藤 正俊
森山 正明
済生会八幡総合病院 外科
緒方 公介
中馬 広一
内藤 正俊
竹下 秀文
森山 正明
済生会八幡病院 外科
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