An experience of treatment of traumatic dislocation and fracture of the hip.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Rwenty-three cases of traumatic dislocation and fracture of the hip were treated during past seven years in our hospital. We reported the treatment and results of nineteen cases which were followed for more than one year. The results were clasified by Epstein's criteria. Thirteen of nineteen cases had excellent or good results. Two factors were noted which contributed to the results. The first factor was the type of dislocation and fracture, and the second factor was the avascular necrosis.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
川島 重明
平良 誠
山内 達朗
桃崎 和彦
錦戸 崇久
川島 重明
松求 保英
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