Aseptic necrosis of the capitate bone: A case report.
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Aseptic necrosis of the capitate bone is considered to be comparatively rare. A recent case is presented. The patient was a 21-year-old male costruction worker. His chief complaint was swelling and pain in the left wrist. Physical examination revealed limitation of range of motion in the left wrist, with swelling and tenderness of the central dorsal hand. Roentgenograms revealed absorptive changes in the proximal portion of the left capitate bone and sclerotic changes in the distal portion. Total resection of the capitate bone and intercarpal fusion was performed. Histopathologically, bone necrosis was seen. Postoperatively, limitation of range of motion of left wrist joint persisted. However, there was no swelling or pain in the wrist. An uneventful course is predicted.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
山本 進
若狭 雅彦
荒井 隆志
萩山 吉孝
阪田 泰二
瀬分 厚
原田 昭
真鍋 英喜
三浦 哲夫
三浦 哲夫
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