Avascular necrosis of femoral head after renal transplantation.
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Twenty patients whose grafts were still functioning twelve months after renal transplantation constitute this study. The patients-14 males 6 females-were aged from 14 to 41 years at the time of transplantation. They were followed-up for between 10 and 143 months after transplantation. Six (8 hips) of the twenty patients developed avascular bone necrosis in the femoral head. The interval between transplantation and the onset of pain over the affected hip varied between 5 and 24 months, with an average of 12.8 months. The total amounts of steroids given from the time of transplantation until the onset of the symptoms varied between 8.1 and 15.8g., with an average of 11.5g.. At the initial roentgenographical examination the patients with this complication were all classed as in Grade 1 or Grade 2 of the disease of the basis of the roentgenographic findings. During the first twelve months following transplantation there were no significant differences between the groups with and without this complication as regards the total intake of azathoprine or the total does of steroids.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
黒木 健文
内藤 正俊
阿部 哲哉
藤永 隆
佐々木 春彦
済生会八幡病院 腎臓部
合屋 忠信
済生会八幡病院 腎臓部
香月 一朗
九大病院 整形外科
杉岡 洋一
九大病院 整形外科
内藤 英俊
福岡日赤病院 整形外科
河野 渉
福岡日赤病院 整形外科
藤見 惺
福岡日赤病院 腎臓部
原田 篤実
福岡日赤病院 腎臓部
黒木 健文
阿部 哲哉
済生会八幡病院 腎臓部
内藤 正俊
済生会八幡病院 整形外科
内藤 正俊
藤永 隆
済生会八幡病院 腎臓部
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