Clinical and radiological investigations of operation for lumbar canal stenosis.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Forty patients with lumbar canal stenosis who underwent laminectomy (with or without posterolateral fusion) at our hospital from April, 1973 to March, 1984 were reviewed. Thirty-two patients were clinically examined personally, and eight patients by questionnaire. Their follow-up period ranged from 5 to 124 months with an average of 43 months.The results were as follows:1) Over-all clinical results were excellent in 5 (12.5%), good in 18 (45.0%), fair in 10 (25.0%) and poor in 7 (17.5%).2) Preoperative intermittent claudicatios was relieved very well, while backache and sciatica were moderately, and numbness and weakness poorly.3) Poor results appeared to he correlated with their follow-up period and post oprative narrowing of transverse diameter in laminectomy area.4) postoperative instability or slipping did not appeared to be a direct factor of poor results.5) There was no difference between fusion and nonfusion groups in the final clinical results.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
寺戸 一成
上崎 典雄
谷村 俊次
村上 陽太郎
功能 重雄
西崎 博巳
古賀 哲二
桑野 正
中家 一寿
松永 大助
桑野 正
松永 大助
九州厚生年金病院 整形外科
西崎 博巳
松永 大助
寺戸 一成
村上 陽太郎
中家 一寿
谷村 俊次
古賀 哲二
上崎 典雄
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