"Cortical abscess" - Report of 5 cases and three phase bone imaging.
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We would like to report 5 cases of so-called "Cortical Abscess". The onset was insidious and inflammatory sings were mild. All patients were male, and four of them were ranged from 12 to 15 years old and one was 33 years old. The lesions were all in the diaphyseal corticis of long bones, 3 in the femur and 2 in the tibia. Surgical intervention was performed for definitive diagnosis and therapeutic aid followed by antibiotic therapy. Recurrences were seen in 2 cases requiring surgery. Staph. aureus was cultured from operative specimens in 3 cases and cultures were nagative in 2 cases.Differential diagnosis from tumorous conditions such as osteoid osteoma, Ewing sarcoma, osteosarcoma and histiocytoma is mandatory.Three phase bone imaging study is currently carried out by using 99mTc-MDP and appears extremely beneficial to make the diagnosis of early stage of osteomyelitis to be differentiated from cellulitis and non-inflamatory masses.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
上原 健志
親川 勝
長嶺 功一
上原 敏則
粟国 敦男
宮城 能久
宜野座 治男
宮城 能久
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- "Cortical abscess" - Report of 5 cases and three phase bone imaging.
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