A case report of Pycnodysostosis with frequent fructure.
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A Case of Pycnodysostosis with femoral fracture in a 13-year-old boy was reported. He had the bone abnormality characterized by generalized sclerosis of the skeleton, open sutures and fontanelles, hypoplasia of the mandible and hypoplasia of the distal phalanges of the fingers and toes. The femoral fracture treated by skeletal traction and Cast Brace. Femur showed clinical and roentogenographic evidence of sound union twentyfive weeks after treatment and he is now bearing weight on it.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
姉川 繁敬
姉川 繁敬
横田 清司
戸次 鎮昭
田中 公次
横田 清司
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