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Symmetrical gangrene of the digits caused by DIC is rare. Recently, we have experienced one case which has suffered from DIC. The patient was a 56-year-old woman who developed Raynawd's phenomenon on in her digits. She was admitted to the hospital with emergency because of symmetrical vascular involvements of the digits and gangrene of the bilateral fingers.Coagulation screening revealed characteristic findings of DIC. Severe dental periodontal disease was found in her mouth. It was suggested that DIC was associated with dental periodontal disease. DIC and symmetrical gangrene of the fingers were treated by heparin and prostaglandin E1. DIC was recovered, but gangrene did not heal, therefore, amputation of the distal fingers was performed unfortunately. The postoperative prognosis is good. The patient was discharged with good recovery. This presentation is to report the clinical course of this rare DIC case.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
井原 成男
産業医科大学 整形外科学教室
田中 宏明
伊地知 正光
加藤 秀典
岡 義春
井原 成男
桜井 治彰
井原 成男
産業医科大学 整形外科
伊地知 正光
産業医科大学 整形外科
田中 宏明
田中 宏明
産業医科大学 整形外科
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- 23.生体内人工材料
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- 7.外科領域における重症感染症と多臓器不全 : とくにDICの関与について
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