A case report of a intradural arachnoid cyst in a upper thoracic spine.
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Intradural arachnoid cysts are rare lesions responsible for spinal cord compression. Our case is a 43-year-old woman presented with progressive spastic paraparesis. Plain radiographs were negative. At myelography (metrizamide) in the supine position, the cyst was not demonstrated. Only the wide-spread subarachnoid space was demonstrated and same findings at CTM and delayed CTM. At MRI, thoracic spinal cord was compressed anteriorly. Laminectomy was performed from Th2 to Th5 and Cyst was partially removed. At six months after surgery, clinical symptom was remitted.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
佐々木 邦雄
萩原 博嗣
佐世保共済病院 整形外科
芝 啓一郎
植田 尊善
芝 啓一郎
荒木 茂正
村尾 哲
植田 尊善
総合脊損センター 整形外科
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