A radiological study of recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder.
- 論文の詳細を見る
The causes of recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation following the primary dislocation are reported by many people, however, neither one has been able to cover all of the symptoms yet. The causes above are as follows; detachment of both glenoid lablum and capsule from glenoid, bone defect of postero-lateral lesion of humeral head, injury of the glenohumeral ligament, rupture of the rotator cuff.We reviewed 60 cases of recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation in the following items; the osseus focus of humeral head and glenoid in roentogenogram, the loosening of the shoulder joint, the enlargement of anterior capsule in arthrography, the changes in chondral bone and labrum of antero-inferior lesion of glenoid in arthrography.The frequency of Hill-Sachs lesion appeared in roentogenogram was 49 out of 60 shoulders (81.6%).Double contrast arthrography of the shoulder was performed on recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation. Compared with controles inferior gleno-humeral ligament injury was observed in all the cases. Therefore we examined that inferior gleno-humeral ligament injury was lagely related to recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
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- A radiological study of recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder.