Exostosis on the right ring finger a case report.
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Exostoses occur in bones that have developed from cartilage, most often in the long tubular bones. Exostoses are rarely on the proximal phalanx. The patient reported here is a 44-year-old female who had a solitary exostosis. She noticed it's swelling but felt no pain and no sensory disturbance, so she neglected having it attended to for a long time. We resected the exostosis on the right ring proximal phalanx. As we could not pathologically find the cartilage cap, we thought it was an old exostosis.
田中 宏明
田中 裕三
産業医科大学 整形外科
田中 裕三
中野 盛夫
嘉村 親芳
古川 英樹
尾島 浩
中野 盛夫
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