Surgical Treatment of Destructive Spondyloarthropathy of the Lumbar Spine.
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Destructive Spondyloarthropathy (DSA) in longterm hemodialysisi patients has been on the increase. We had two patients with DSA of the lumbar spine, whose daily rou tine activities were highly restricted because of severe low back pain, and intermittent claudication respectively. We performed operations using the posterior lumbar interbody fusion method with the Steffee VSP system, and got excellent results. There are some difficulties in performing the interbody fusion method in long-term hemodialysis patients because of renal osteodystrophy which causes its collapse of nonunion. We emphasize the importance of a firm internal fixation and long-term external immobilization.
佐本 信彦
藤見 惺
秋山 徹
西田 民夫
菰田 哲夫
上野山 和秀
福岡赤十字病院 整形外科
村川 義康
西田 民夫
福岡赤十字病院 整形外科
秋山 徹
福岡赤十字病院 整形外科
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