Two Cases of Adult T-cell Leukemia(ATL) with Bone Lesions as the Primary Sites.
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We experienced two patients with ALT who developed early onset of bone lesions. A 65-year-old woman presented to our hospital with left gonalgia and a femural osteolytic lesion. A further examination including biopsy and positive HTLV-1 antisera confirmed the diagnosis of ATL.A 68-year-old fisherman presented with powerlessness of both hands and osteolytic finger lesions. Finally a previous report, positive finding of HTLV1 antibody and hematology made the diagnosis of ATL.As far as we are aware in the literature, there are few reports mentioning finger bone lesions associated with ALT and osteolytic changes at onset.These two cases indicated the difficulty in diagnosing ATL when the patient comes from a popular HLV-1 antibody district which may account for the patient's destructive bone lesion.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
山田 健治
熊谷 謙治
鹿島 信之
山田 健治
大分県立病院 整形外科
梅木 義臣
奥苑 直行
針 秀太
馬場 宏敏
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