Assesment of Treatments for Finger Tip Injuries.
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We evaluated the prognoses of finger tip injury cases using a post card questionnaire to estimate the sensitivity of the stump, their status on daily use external appearance and the patients satisfaction with the treatment.Twenty-one (70%) of 30 patients replied to the questions naire. Eleven had been treated conservatively (using aluminium foil), 5 had stump plasties and 5 had homodigital neuro-vascular island flaps (modified Kutler's method). The follow-up periods were 2 years and 4 months, 3 years and 1 month, 2 years and 8 months respectively.Regarding sensation, the conservative group was superior to other groups, and all stump plasty cases complained of paresthesia or hypesthesia on their stumps.In regard to the daily use and appearance, there were no remarkable differences between the groups.No patients complained of being dissatisfied with the results.
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