Clinical Results of Arthroscopic Mobilization for the Stiff Knee Joint.
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Fifteen knees of fourteen patients were treated by percutaneous release of adhesions, bilateral retinaculm release and capsular release under arthroscopic control.The knee in these patients occurred following fracture of the femoral neck and shaft in 3, fracture of the knee joint (distal end of the femur, proximal end of the tibia and the patellar) in 10, injury of the meniscus in 1 and high tibial osteotomy in 1.The mean interval between the last surgical procedure and this operation was 16 months (range 2.5mo. to 8y. 7mo.).Mean passive flexion increased 60° to 119° at the time of final evaluation.
坂本 公宣
赤崎 幸二
川口 英治
友田 邦彦
寒野 龍弘
絹原 寛士
田中 智香
川口 英治
熊本市民病院 整形外科
友田 邦彦
熊本市民病院 整形外科
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