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We present a case of a 49 year-old man who visited our hospital for low back pain and numbness of the right leg. An intramedullary spinal cord tumor at the Th12 to L1 portion was suspected by magnetic resonance imaging. His muscle power rapidly weakened and he could not walk after admission. Laminectomy of Th12 to L1 lamina was performed and we found the tumor in the spinal cord. The tumor was histologically diagnosed as metastatic adenocarcinoma. After the operation, irradiation therapy of about 5000cGy was carried out. The lung tumor was found by chest roentgenogram in the left upper field, large cell carcinoma of the lung was detected by transverse bronchial lung biopsy. In general, intramedullary metastatic tumors are very rare, with an incidence reported of 2 to 3% of all central nervous system metastatic tumors. This case reminds us that we must consider the possibility of metastatic tumor in the spinal cord when patients complain of rapid deterioration of the nervous system.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
松原 不二夫
肱岡 昭彦
産業医科大学 整形外科
中光 紳一
鈴木 勝己
岡崎 雄一
中光 紳一
新小倉病院 整形外科
伊藤 謙三
新小倉病院 整形外科
橋口 浩一
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