MRI Findings in Traumatic Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder in Patients aged over 60 Years.
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Traumatic anterior dislocation of the shoulder in elderly patients is not very common. Furthermore, few papers are reported which describe MRI findings associated with anterior dislocation in elderly patients. In this study, we report MRI findings of 6 patients with traumatic anterior dislocation of the shoulder whose ages were 60 years old or more. Subjects comprised one male and 5 females ranging in age from 64 to 91 years. In 4 cases, MRI was obtained at the time of initial dislocation. In 2 cases of recurrent anterior dislocation, MRI was performed 3 years postoperatively T1 weighted, T2 weighted and FE MR images were evaluated with respect to imaging of the humeral head, anterior labrum and anterior capsular insertion and rotator cuff.Hill-Sack lasions were shown in all cases. In two cases, a Bankart lesion was revealed. Rotator cuff tear was found in all but one case who had fracture of the greater tuberosity. Rotator cuff tear occurred at the supraspinatus tendinous insertion in all cases. In one case the tear expanded from the subscapularis to supraspinatus tendon.McLaughlin reported that the coincidence of rotator cuff tear and acute dislocation of the shoulder was as high as 70% in patients over 40 years. It is well known that glenoid labral detachment is common in the young generation with acute dislocation of the shoulder. In the elderly patients of our series, however, rupture of the capsule and damage at the subscapularis tendenous area were revealed by MRI.
橋本 伸朗
福本 哲也
片平 和博
寺本 弘
福田 公孝
札幌社会保険総合病院 整形外科
野村 一俊
平野 真子
国立熊本病院 整形外科
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