電子コミュニケ-ション・コラボレ-ションの分析 (特集 デ-タとしての会話)
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In recent years, whatever organization one looks at, it begun to be more common to see work being accomplished by teams and groups than to see people working individually. To support group works, many types of computer supported systems, communication systems and related technologies, known as Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) in computer science, have been studied. For design of CSCW tools, we think that we should understand nature of group work and relationship between group work and technology, such as what the group needs to do and what the group can do. In this paper, we describe email-based communication analysis in order to understand nature of group work and relations with CSCW tools. First, we show Argument Structure-based group communication analysis. Second, we show the real group task (about two months decision making tasks) analysis by argument structure, and also describe how these group communication analysis will be used for the design of CSCW tools.
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- 電子コミュニケ-ション・コラボレ-ションの分析 (特集 デ-タとしての会話)