- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine the aspect of closeness that the <I>Relationship Closeness Inventory</I> (Berscheid et al. 1989: <I>RCI</I>) measures. Four hundred undergraduate students (177 male and 223 female) identified the one person whom they considered to be close. And then they completed a questionnaire about that relationship including questions on six <I>behavioral traits</I>. Principal component analyses of six <I>behavioral traits</I> were conducted for four conditions-male friendship, female friendship, male romantic relationship, and female romantic relationship. The results showed that several princial components were observed in all conditions. Especially, <I>present progressive component</I> was observed in all conditions and <I>stable component</I> in three of the four conditions. Correlations between <I>RCI</I> score and each component score showed that <I>RCI</I> score was highly correlated with <I>present progressive component</I>, but had almost no correlation with the other components. Based on the results, the validity and limitation of the <I>RCI</I> was discussed.
- 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会の論文
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- 行動特性からみた関係の親密さ--RCIの妥当性と限界
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