実験ゲ-ム場面における対人的志向性の効果--詮索的選択を設けた囚人のジレンマ・ゲ-ムを用いて (対人的相互作用<特集>)
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This study examined the effects of interpersonal orientation (IO) which proposed by Rubin & Brown (1975) on game behaviors and attributions of that consequences by two experimental games. High IOs are interested in and reactive to other people, whereas low IOs are less interested and responsive to others and more concerned with economic features of the interpersonal relationships. In the experiments, it was used that a Prisoner's Dilemma Game with a seeking choice by which a player was able to know the partner's choice without notice of the partner. In addition, the partner's choices were programmed to investigate the player's behavior. The main results were as follows: First, high IOs played more cooperatively and used a seeking choice more frequently than low IOs. Secondly, High IOs chose cooperative choice according to the degree of partner's cooperative level. These results were discussed in terms of attributions of that consequences, and it was suggested that high IOs played based on several motivational orientations in such game situation.
- 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会の論文
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- 実験ゲ-ム場面における対人的志向性の効果--詮索的選択を設けた囚人のジレンマ・ゲ-ムを用いて (対人的相互作用)