地球温暖化問題と宇宙太陽発電--SPS2000プロジェクトの推進に寄せて (特集:循環型社会&マクロ的ゴミ考) -- (第1部:循環型社会を目指して)
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The approach shown at COP3 to the solution of global warming problems was jast symptomatic treatment, by which the substantial solution of a wide range of global environmental issues would not be achieved. Casual treatment is still required for a complete solution. Space solar power generation as a large-capacity clean energy source is very promising in this respect, although there are some problems to be solved for its practical use. The most important one is the high price of electricity, which is mainly influenced by the launch cost for delivering solar power satellites to Earth orbit.<BR>The destruction of the high price structure for launching has already begun with the development of various new SSTO RLV launch systems. The way to solve global environmental issues using macro-engineering diplomacy is discussed super-disciplinarily based on the creation of new industries with advanced technologies, through promoting the Japanese pilot plant project "SPS2000" intending the realization of the first practical space solar power generation system in the world. A "Copernican Change" of industrial economy to include space activities is also deduced.