緑の絨毯作戦 (特集 地球緑化行動)
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Mangrove distributes at mouth of river and coastline of tropical and sub-tropical of the world. Mangrove plants are typical one of the halophytes and mangrove plant can adapt very wide salt concentration (Fresh water to sea water). Mangrove area is rich bio-diversity ecosystem and moreover importance of mangrove is recognized as exceedingly high bioproductivity ecosystem for food supply of global scale. Mangrove plants are paid attention as gene resource of salt tolerant for new crop development. At present time, mangrove forest of South-East Asia and the world is continuously decreasing. Total area of mangrove forest is only approximately 18 million ha. Cause of mangrove forest decrease of Thailand is mentioned over cutting for fuel as energy resource, convert to shrimp farming, develop to agricultural land, convert to industrial land and tin mining. Mangrove forest of Thailand in this 30 years decreased about 50%. At present time, mangrove forest area of Thailand is only 170, 000 ha and main distribution area is Southern Thailand. In recent years, importance of mangrove ecosystem is gradually recognized in Thailand and Thailand government is starting preservation and protection program of mangrove forest. This report is provided that by large scale planting mangrove to abandoned shrimp ponds and coastline protection from strong erosion of Nakhon Si Thammarat of Southern Thailand and enforcement of project. This project is rehabilitation of mangrove forest as a model and final objective of this project is technology transfer of mangrove forest rehabilitation from Thailand to Asia countries and the world.
- 日本マクロエンジニアリング学会の論文