家族変動と新しいスタイルのデータ--「全国家族調査」(NFR)研究の発進 (特集 全国家族調査)
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A dramatic feature of present-day life is that the velocity of social changes is accelerating amazingly. At the same time, the socio-spatial distance of the human world has curtailed it marvelously. The tremendous nature of social changes is bringing about incessant and also dramatic changes of family lives and processes.<BR>Needless to say, social sciences have a mission to depict accurately changing social lives and their future, and to provide alternative scenarios which we could opt for. Of course, the NFR98 study which has been conducted as one of enterprises of the Japan Society of Family Sociology, is a part of the project which shoulders the mission if it did like this. Furthermore this study aims at the 'open communication' program for sharing data that were constructed by it, and the related materials to cleave a new landmark in the methodology of social science research.
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- 家族変動と新しいスタイルのデータ--「全国家族調査」(NFR)研究の発進 (特集 全国家族調査)