Tension of Viscose and Nylon Yarns in Running State
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to investigate how to take advantage o the data obtained from rholo ical experiment of yarn, running between two cylinders, some experiments concerning the effect of draft and running speed on yarn tension and with stress relaxation of yarn after the stoppage, have been made<BR> Analysing these experimental results, the following conclusions have been obtained:<BR> (1) The influence of running speed on yarn tension, in the steady state, is uniquely determined by the time t<SUP>∗</SUP> which is required for a yarn leaving a cylinder to reach the winding cylinder.<BR> (2) The influence of the running speed on the stress relaxation after stoppage is also uniquely determined b the time t<SUP>_??_</SUP>, above mentioned ; and the shorter t<SUP>∗</SUP> is, the higher the rate of relaxation.<BR> (3) The effect of value t<SUP>∗</SUP> on the yarn tension can be estimated by considering creep curve, but in this case we have to assume t<SUP>∗</SUP> to be creep time during which yarn is suspended by constant load.<BR> (4) The relation between yarn tension and the value of draft can be estimated b modifying the stress-strain carve produced by the constant rate of elongation test.
- 社団法人 日本繊維機械学会の論文
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