- 論文の詳細を見る
The application of Petri Net to the design and operation of sequential control systems is widely devoloped. It is considered that Petri Net may be automatically generated by computer. Especially, in recent years, the possibility of utilization of ES(Expert System) has been explored, as ES is effective in acquiring and using the knowledge of experts. On the other hand, there are two points to solve in approaching the usual knowledge engineering, that is, (1) the management and utilization of knowledge, and (2) the reconstruction of knowledge. In order to cope with these two points, we provide "multi-purpose knowledge base", which highly abstracts the knowledge, and "problem-oriented knowledge base", which stores the necessary knowledge to solve a concrete problem. Based on the above knowledge bases, we construct ES with a knowledge-management module, which canmanage knowledge and reconstruct the later base. It is pointed out that the knowledge-management module may be applied to ES of designing type domain. This paper gives an example to show the management and utilization of the knowledge in our ES.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
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