- 論文の詳細を見る
There are two opinions about the Last Glacial ice sheet of Iceland: one is that a continuous large ice sheet covered the whole island, and the other is that several thin ice sheets and a fairly wide ice-free area existed. The thickness of the Last Glacial ice sheet in the central island is estimated from the alititude of stapi (volcanic table mountains), and from the ice sheet profile corresponding to its area which is controlled by the depth of the sea surrounding the island. Glacial landforms of the coastal mountain area of the island suggest that the ice dome was thin in the marginal areas of the island. Corresponding to the distribution of the ice sheet of the Last Glaciation, the altitude of the Late Glacial highest shoreline generally rises toward the center of the mainland ice sheet. Furthermore, the altitude distribution suggests the existence of small ice domes in the northwest peninsula. The maximum height of the shoreline is about 100m.Two glacier readvances with similar extent occurred in the Older and Younger Dryas stages. The glacier seems to have almost disappeared in the early Holocene, and then has advanced since the Neoglaciation. Although reliable fluctuation curves corresponding to this glacial change are not yet recognizable, smooth curves drawn in some areas indicate that the present coastal area was uplifted by 100 to 150m from the end of the Pleistocene to the early Holocene, while it has subsided since the mid-Holocene in the present coastal area.
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