中部地方における後期更新世の気候変化 (最終氷期における日本列島の動植物相と自然環境特集号)
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The Late Pleistocene period in Central Japan is subdivided into the following four periods based on climatic changes.(1) Last interglacial: R/W Interglacial (before 65, 000yr.B.P.)This period is characterized by the dominance of the elements of temperate coniferous forest, including Cryptomeria, and deciduous broad-leaved trees, including Fagus. The climate is estimated to have been warmer and wetter than that of the present.(2) Early Würm Glacial (from 65, 000 to 55, 000yr.B.P.)In the early half of this period, two interstadials are inferred by the dominance of the elements of temperate coniferous forest, including Cryptomeria, Sciadopitys, Ulmus-Zelkova and Corylus. The later half of this period is characterized by the subarctic forest which is estimated to have been 5°C to 6°C lower than present in average annual temperature.(3) Middle Würm Glacial (from 55, 000 to 25, 000yr.B.P.)Cool climate prevailed throughout this period, intervening a remarkable warm climate which reached a maximum about 37, 000 years ago. In Nobi coastal plain, the Atsuta Surface was formed by the transgression during the warm climate.(4) Late Würm Glacial (from 25, 000 to 10, 000yr.B.P.)This period was dominated by subarctic forest. Periglacial agency acted at places higher than 1, 000m above sea-level in the Kiso valley during the early half of this period.
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