日本列島における晩氷期以降の植生変遷と人類の居住(クライマチック オプチマム特集号)
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Pollen records and archaeological data during the last 12, 000yrs. in Japan are analysed to discuss some of the inter-relationships between human activities and changing vegetation.1) Geographical distributions of cultural areas, known from the regional variation of Jômon pottery, were directly correlated to the vegetational changes known through pollen analysis. At colder and cooler climatic periods (pollen zone, L·RI·R III a, ) two cultural areas showed strong contrast between northern and southern Japan. While in a warme climatic period (pollen zone, R II, ) this contrast was weakend. The cultural areas of this period can be subdivided further into seven smaller areas. Relationships between vegetation and culture are illustrated by Fig. 5, 6, 7 and 8. It is evident that the prehistoric human occupation was strongly influenced by the vegetational change.2) Prehistoric and historic clearance of forest and agriultural activities by man are recognizable on pollen diagrams. The frequencies of forest clearance and their amounts varied from place to place and from time to time. It is infered that forest clearance by Neolithic man of Jômon Age was rather small in scale and temporary. The clearance during Yayoi Age became far more intensive and probably more prolonged than previous Jomon age in southern Japan. However, regional variation in the pollen records are found during this age. In northern Japan, there were less intensive agricultural activities and no extensive clearance was done until much later.
- 日本第四紀学会の論文
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- 日本列島における晩氷期以降の植生変遷と人類の居住(クライマチック オプチマム特集号)
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